Book Two!

Book two in Changes in Paradise is out!

The Adventure continues with Paradise sucked into the world of CREAM and forced to cooperate with their latest presentation: Phantastique! Things go even more out of control with Paradise facing a crazed counterpart, a dark genetic manipulation company, and friends who turn out to be enemies. Can Paradise rescue Sara from the genetic modifications imposed on her before time runs out and Sarah is sentenced to a lifetime of being something she isn’t? Get it on sale at Amazon!

Book one ON SALE!

Book one is on sale for a limited time at $.99!

Changes in Paradise, the latest by Raine Monday is a SciFi Detective story that features Detective John Paradise trying to track down a friend’s daughter who may or may not be participating in a genetic social experiment. Can John survive when faced with a gorgeous assassin, a genetic conspiracy, and the dark organization behind it all? This SciFi novel features gender transformation, nano-technology, genetic engineering and more! See it at Amazon!